The Futurist Mindset
To thrive in this world of accelerating change, we believe one must build and develop the Futurist Mindset.
The world may be changing faster than we can currently internalize and it is clear to see that our collective, short term focus is not preparing populations nor organizing resources efficiently to progress in the face of our greatest challenges. It is because of this realization that we are working to democratize and grow the Futurist Mindset across the globe.
The Futurist Mindset: is a way of understanding yourself, others and the world / universe around you.
Benefits of a Futurist Mindset: If you possess a Futurist Mindset you will thrive at shaping the future. The Futurist Mindset goes far beyond just being able to think about the future and into a way live with purpose and passion as we strive for something more while we grow to understand who we can become and our place in the cosmos.
How do I Know if I Possess a Futurist Mindset?: There are different types of intelligences, personality traits and competencies that tend to lend themselves to somebody possessing more of a Futurist Mindset than another**. Read on here.
Building New Narratives
Our current global “storyline” isn’t working. We need new narratives for a thriving future.
Every aspect of human life is rooted in narrative.
The human brain functions in narrative. Our minds are continuously hashing and rehashing storylines about our life, our relationships, our career, and our place in the community. Our cultures are based on narratives that define rules and norms; they are what give meaning and context to the world around us, and they subconsciously shape (and constrain) our possibilities and our futures. We believe them with little questioning, and all of our decisions and behaviors are based on these foundational storylines. The stories we tell ourselves about how the world works — what is possible, and what’s not — these stories shape societies, move economies, and determine our entire existence.
Narratives have gravitational force.
Some are so massive, so deeply ingrained, that they pull everything into their orbit. Some narratives propel us forward, while others hold us back. When narratives go stale, they keep us locked-in to patterns that no longer serve us, and they limit future possibilities.
Our future is built upon our narratives.
The future is constantly unfolding as a continuous series of “next steps” in the collective storylines from every human brain, every organization, and every culture. To take control of the future, we must seize control of our societal narratives.
Today’s narratives aren’t working.
Accelerating technological growth and rapid societal change are rendering modern narratives obsolete. With automated labor on the horizon, and the existential threats of AI, nuclear weapons, and climate change looming over our future, the “winner takes all” mentality of capitalism is unsustainable. In such a complex world, old approaches — to our health, education, politics, and even our overall human purpose — are leaving too many people behind. Read on here.
Become a Future-Focused Company
Everything we do is rooted in giving you and your organization — for-profit or not-for-profit, large or small, a greater choice in the future.
There are many ways for you to get your business involved in the World Future Society. We invite you to explore the links below. Let’s shape tomorrow, together here.
The Human Purpose Project
We need to change the big conversations about the future.
Big conversations are happening about the future.
There’s a ton of interest right now around automation, exponential technologies, and the jobs of tomorrow. Amidst such rapid social change and economic uncertainty, people are scared of what the future holds. They want to know what jobs will be like in the future, how their industry will be disrupted, and what kind of education and training are needed to stay relevant. There’s a great deal of anxiety around the implications of what is coming.
There’s something missing from these conversations.
While it may seem as if we’re talking about the future of the economy, the future of education, and the future of work, we’re actually talking about something much more fundamental than these sectors of life. What’s beneath all of these areas of life?
What is the future of Human Purpose?
This is the big question. All of our collective fear and anxiety around AI, automation, and the jobs of tomorrow — it’s not really about “jobs.” It’s about our worth and dignity as human beings. It’s about how we spend our time, our effort, and our energy. It’s about the contributions we want to make. Who do we need to become in order to feel whole in the wildly different future in front of us?
We need to change the conversation.
Although AI and automation might be disruptive, they are full of new opportunities and new possibilities. We need to remember that human civilization has been through big shifts before: when we moved from hunter-gathering to farming and cities, and from farming to industry. We need to remember that the future isn’t something that’s happening to us, it’s up to us to build the future we want. Read on here.