We help leaders and learners prepare for the future today







We explore tomorrow to disrupt today

We live in a time where change is happening at unprecedented rates. Navigating uncertainty is an art, not a science .

As a leader you need to ensure that you, your team and organisation are prepared for the unexpected and can make better decisions for tomorrow today.

Questioning the ‘who’ you bring to the work you do, is as important, if not the most important thing you can consider today as a leader. Inner change creates outer transformation.

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What we do

The world is moving at a faster pace than ever before, becoming more and more uncertain. We help you and your team create new narratives, that break through old stories and beliefs, and align with your vision to create a better world not only for today but for future generations to come.


Futures Thinking

We help unlock the futurists mindset so that you and your organisation can ignite your imagination and begin to navigate with confidence in the darkness.

Facilitation and training

We offer skillful, fit-for-purpose workshop facilitation and training, specialising in collaboration and multi stakeholder engagement during times of change and transition.

Women Transforming Leadership

Leadership workshops and events for individuals and organisatons wanting to grow and be courageous in their leadership. Transform your leadership story through storytelling, futures thinking and role training.

Facilitating Futures Speaking


Want to get your team excited about the future you and your team are shaping? Thinking about the stories we tell ourselves is an essential step towards shaping your desired future state.



We love to talk about where you want to go,

how you are going to get there and what is

going to happen along the way.

Let us shout you a coffee!





Women Transforming Leadership

1.5days, March 6-7th 2020

This workshop is for individuals and organisations that want to grow and be courageous in their leadership.  Come and transform your leadership story through storytelling, futures thinking & theatre.


At Facilitating Futures we are passionate about supporting individuals and organisations to create better, brighter futures for everyone. We all know we can do better.

We thrive by supporting individuals and organisations to identify their preferred future, create a viable roadmap to move forward and navigate the change process.